Journal with Chakra Stones & Crystal Pen

Kinesi Living

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Leather Journal with Chakra Stones A5 Note Book & Kinesi Living Crystal Pen. 

These gorgeous leather bound chakra stoned & goddess embossed journals come with one of our custom Kinesi Living crystal ball point pens. 

Keeping a journal helps you create order when your world feels like it’s in chaos.
You can get to know yourself by revealing your most private fears, thoughts, and feelings.

Look at your writing time as personal relaxation time.

It's a time when you can allow yourself to wind down.

Write in a place that's relaxing and soothing, maybe with a cup of tea.

Look forward to your journaling time. And know that you're doing something good for your mind and body.

Ready to start but not sure how? Here are a few different types of journaling options to consider.

Stream of consciousness

Write down your thoughts as they happen. The words and thoughts don’t need to make sense, you’re simply capturing your thoughts in action.

Dream journal

Take note of your dreams each night as a way of getting in touch with your subconscious. Remember to make your journal entries right when you wake up.

Gratitude journal

Before going to sleep, make a list of everything you were thankful for that day, week, or month.

Sketch journal

Express your feelings, thoughts, and ideas through illustrations, doodles, or sketches.

Day’s events journal

Keep track of your experiences throughout the day. Whether it’s making note of a funny conversation or describing a new recipe you enjoyed.

To-do list

Instead of keeping a running tally of to-do items in your head, write them down. You can cross things off as you complete them and get a great sense of accomplishment.

No matter which type of journal you decide to keep, remember there is no right or wrong approach. It’s all up to you. The simple act of taking the time to get in touch with your mind, body, and spirit is what’s truly important.

Treat yourself or someone you love to one of these divine works of art. 

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